How to cancel your Persopo account


About Persopo

Persopo has monthly subscriptions to online public records searches. Learn how to cancel your Persopo account subscription.

Some Account Information You Might Need

We’ve found that the following information might be needed when you use the below methods to cancel.
First Name
Last Name
Address 1
Address 2
ZIP/Postal Code
Country (if outside USA)
E-mail Address on account
Last 4 Digits of the Card Being Charged

How to Cancel Persopo by Phone (Live Agent)

Step 1. Contact the business at 1-866-371-2590
Step 2. Advise the representative that you want to cancel your account
Step 3. Provide the agent with your account info
Step 4. Request that you be refunded
Step 5. Ask for a verbal confirmation code or email as proof of your cancellation
Step 6. Retain the confirmation information you’re given

How to Cancel Persopo by E-Mail

Step 1. Compose an email requesting to cancel your account
Step 2. Provide the agent with your account info
Step 3. Send your email to [email protected]
Step 4. Retain the confirmation information you’re given

Known Charges

These are the charges we’ve known to be associated with Persopo
PER*PERSOPO.COM 866-3712590 NV
PERSOPO.COM 866-371-2590 NV

Persopo could also be known as the following

Please note that is not associated with the business listed on this page. AccountKiller provides easy-to-understand instructions and guides on how to cancel charges and relationships from the list of businesses on our site, we have no affiliation with these businesses.